How to play Bullshit Bingo against Scientologists

Protesting against Scientologists can be quite exhausting. You could talk to a vacuum cleaner and achieve better results. Don’t even try using any logic. Scientologists are programmed to ignore anything negative. Their ability to listen was lost during expensive courses and counseling.

I have something much better for you. Make your protests exiting with a few printouts. This is going to cause hilarious fun on both sides.

The game is called Bullshit Bingo.
There are two grids. One is for the cultist, one is for you. Please print out both. It is no secret that cultists won’t bring their own grids. You will also need at least two pens.

You may now start a discussion. Each time the person on the other side mentions a word from your list, you can it cross out.

Once you have 5 items in a row, column or diagonal, you must look at the face of the other person, step much closer and yell as loud as you can:


The maximum allowable distance is 10 inch. If you fail doing so within a few seconds, the other person wins.
You may watch the famous Scientology documentary before you leave your home, where John Sweeney demonstrated how proper yelling is done.

Play as long as it takes to get 5 valid items. Sometimes it takes hours, sometimes merely a few minutes.

Wins from playing Bullshit Bingo:

“I could hardly believe how much fun you can have with such an easy setup. It took us about 10 ten minutes; I finally won. This were the most exiting minutes of my life!”
C.N., New York

“If I had known the game before, I would have been about 10x more often on the streets.”
B.S., London

“Wow, wow, wow. I love you. Thank you very much for the unbelievable cool game. What a pleasure!”
M.R., Tampa

“Where can I find more words for new grids? I’d love to play this game on a daily basis now!”
T.J., New Delhi

“The Scientologist got really upset after she had inevitably lost the game. She argued I had not given her any time to drill the game. Her course supervisor coincidently saw us and immediately issued a pink sheet to train more bullbaiting. “Your f#*$&!g TRs are unacceptable”, he said. Within minutes the course supervisor called the registrar and made an appointment while we continued playing the game.
The lady Scientologist said she wanted to play again and we agreed to meet in two weeks at the same location. The course supervisor also wants to come. He will bring someone from OSA as well, he said. This will be the greatest game ever. 4 players in total. AWESOME!”
G.G., East Grinstead

Grid for the Scientologist (to be used against the Protester):


Grid for the Protester (to be used against the Scientologist):


The Telegraph: Small man syndrome at the top of Scientology?

Sorry, I am terribly busy since nearly a year now. My career is doing very well and money is flowing in faster than ever. And all this with Wog technology. My posting activity is obviously suffering.

Today, I found a really nice article in the “The Telegraph”. I studied Tom Cruise’s childhood and I also know David Miscavige’s past very well. Both are pretty small ((rather small than pretty)) and had/have violent periods.

Read these LULS! Mabe we have to redefine “clear” as in “make someone/something clear forcefully”.

Last year at study by Oxford University concluded that feeling smaller makes people feel paranoid, mistrustful and more likely to think that people are staring or talking about them.

Scientology: You cannot commit overts (=crimes) against “Suppressive Persons”


“You cannot commit overts against SPs”

This is telling so much about Scientologists in just a few words. Becoming an SP is quite easy. When you are smart and you ask questions, then it hardly takes months to get there.

Now, take above statement into consideration. This is 100% standard tech and fully in line with the Fair Game policy:

 “May be deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed.”

HCO Policy Letter of 18 October 1967, Issue IV

Well, let’s change the topic a bit. I was wondering what would happen if you apply the “blow it up” request:

 When buildings get important to us, for God’s sake, some of you born revolutionists, will you please blow up central headquarters.

Tape 31 DECEMBER 1960 – The Genus of Scientology

The cult was asking the Garcias to follow the rules for internal arbitration. The judge had one remarkable question. Would Scientology ask for the same if the situation had been the other way around? The cult answered this with a kind of “yes” … despite the fact that such has never taken place so far. And the judge bought the story – WTF!

The proper conclusion is that fulfilling the “blow it up” request should also be considered a religious act.

Maybe there is a 70% chance that you really get away with the “religious dispute”. The cult got interested in buildings and you would simply follow the cult’s rules. All you would then face would be “internal arbitration”.

I am not asking anyone to really do this. I am just trying to understand the resulting logic of the Garcia case. How much did the cult investigate to find dirt on the judge that he finally caved in? What overt did they commit against the judge to get such a unique and insulting verdict? No worries – you cannot commit overts against SPs.

Scientology’s Greenfields School – a kind of Child Rehabilitation Project Force?


Grant Hudson, Greenfields school head teacher: “When you get into bargaining about these things [with your children], you also surrender your personal power and fail to maintain your personal values.”

Grant Hudson, Greenfields school head teacher: “Knowing what your own values and morals are and living by them is another way to set clear guidelines for your child.”

WTF? Grant, you sound so reasonable. What you have not understood at all is that life is not just about your personal integrity. Isn’t it about the child’s integrity as well? Isn’t communication better than playing dictator for the sake of your own (and really just yours) integrity. And you call yourself head teacher? That hurts!
There were times when “Child Dianetics” were spreading soft words of empathy. Nothing is left it seems.
Scientology uses the abbreviation ARC instead of love, which means in practice: “Cause fear to control someone and pretend to do the opposite.”

Below are the Grant’s own wordings. Imagine, how children are treated in his vicinity. Please, do not send your children there. They obviously become Ronbots in no time, spending all their spare time to find your hidden evil purposes and never trust in love or passion.
Grant Hudson, you are such a poor guy. How was your childhood? How was your brainwash in the Scientology cult? It must have been pretty overwhelming. I guess you never saw children agreeing on something just because they like and trust you. When you truly love children, they automatically do everything in their power to not disappoint you. LRH once said that the best control is agreement. But he most likely did not mean to make people agree with you forcefully … am I wrong?
Grant, your attitude “I know better and therefore I am your dictator” sucks! With knowledge comes responsibility and not a 3rd Reich. Do you know any democratic values? No wonder your children are out of control and need a shit load of counter intention and counter effort.

Here is Grant’s email, full of love:

Dealing with Teenagers

by Head Teacher, Greenfields School

Does your teenage child communicate to you until you finally just give in?

“Okay, okay, I’ll let you go out if you stop bothering me about it.”

“If you do your homework on time, I’ll let you go to the sleepover even though it’s against my better judgement.”

“I told you yesterday that he couldn’t come over, but I’ll let it go just this once.”

When you say “No”, do you really mean “Maybe”?

Sometimes, to make your own lives easier or because you want to be “friends” with your child (and sometimes because you might feel guilt or shame about something from the past) you might fall into the trap of bargaining with your child in an unworkable way.

When you are unclear about which rules are negotiable and which are non-negotiable, this kind of bargaining can occur. It may resolve an immediate conflict, but can also indicate that you are losing your authority.

As a parent, you have the experience, knowledge, and wisdom to keep your kids safe and make good decisions for your children. Of course, there are times when it is appropriate to negotiate and compromise with teenagers. Where there is no potential harm, power can certainly be shared. Where there is the potential for harm, though, the matter should be non-negotiable.

For younger children, choosing which friends they have sleepovers with, what parties they can attend, or how late they can stay out at night should not be open for negotiation or discussion. Nor should a young child be allowed to choose not to go to school.

When you get into bargaining about these things, you also surrender your personal power and fail to maintain your personal values.

Deciding which rules are negotiable and which are non-negotiable and sticking to this is a first step. Knowing what your own values and morals are and living by them is another way to set clear guidelines for your child.

For more information concerning moral choices see ‘The Way to Happiness’, a moral non-religious code used by millions of people:

Grant Hudson
for Greenfields School

Greenfields Independent School, Priory Road, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JD

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Greenfields School is part of Greenfields Educational Trust, a registered charity, No 287037. © 2015 Greenfields Educational Trust. All Rights Reserved. A company limited by guarantee. Company No 1720639. Registered office Greenfields School, Priory Road, Forest Row, Sussex RH18 5JD. Greenfields is an Applied Scholastics™ School. Applied Scholastics and the Applied Scholastics Open Book design are trademarks and service marks owned by Association for Better Living and Education International and used with its permission.

Creepy Scientology

Dear US citizens,

These are your tax dollars used to defame people. You could be their next target.

The cult policies dictate: If you cannot fight the facts, discredit the source.
This is one of the most biased and distorted documentaries I have ever seen and
it will definitely shoot back at the Cult of Scientology.
I am glad that they are not smart enough to stop their behaviour. Thanks for destroying yourself.WATCH HBO documentary on 29 March 2015 – 8pm!


My offer: GBP 10,000 to GBP 100,000


“Show me a mother f@c$§g Clear” said Jason Beghe. And I can tell you from my experience: I have not seen any!

But I am willing to make a compromise. Here is my offer. I pay GBP 10,000 to any Scientologist, who has completed the L-Rundowns or SuperPower-Rundowns and can prove the so-called End Phenomena (EP). The money would be paid in cash and straight into your hands including a free leather suitcase.

I expect you to be fully exterior with full perceptions. Well, “full” is a bit harsh, because Hubbard said that there would be no absoluta. That was one of the smartest moves ever. It always makes Hubbard right when discussing EPs. He claimed there would be 57 perceptics (=perceptions). I only expect visio (=vision) – just 1/57th – what a deal! I give you a location and you can remote-view the details.
Hubbard claimed that he was able to remote-read books when he was young, but lost this ability somehow when he got older. Captain Bill Robertson even claimed that Scientologists used to communicate via thoughts (=telepathy) with others and gave lessons on how to learn remote-viewing. And OTs are talking to body thetans, whose abilities are below those of peanuts. Additionally some auditing sessions are supposed to be audited while being exterior. So I am not asking for a lot.

I did mock the L-Rundowns here .

But in case you can prove your abilities, I am going to shut this blog down, disconnect from all SPs, make my children join Scientology, join Scientology myself and dedicate my life to disseminate all your teachings without ever asking any question again.
Furthermore, I can easily increase the sum to GBP 100,000 in case you can prove all 57 perceptics.

A list of perceptions can be found here.

It is up to you. This is easy money.

Evidence: Scientology says: Nicole Kidman is a High Crime

Nicole Kidman’s father Antony was a clinical psychologist – so what?
You don’t know the history of Psychiatry, I do. Who said that? Oh, wasn’t that Tom Cruise. The puzzle slowly makes sense. David Miscavige, the insane leader of the Scientology cult, was strictly against Tom’s marriage. It contradicted the cult policies. He had to get rid of Nicole. David Miscavige used Marty Rathbun and others to indoctrinate Tom to make it happen.

Merriam-Webster defines HIGH CRIME

1:  a crime of an infamous nature contrary to public morality but not technically constituting a felony; specifically :  an offense which the U.S. Senate deems to constitute adequate grounds for removal of the president, vice-president, or any civil officer as a person unfit to hold public office and deserving of impeachment
2:  a crime of a serious or aggravated nature

And now compare this with the following cult policy:


And it is not just about psychs. See, who is also on the list:

This third category would include people who are members or ex-members, or in families of members or ex-members of media, police spy organizations and government spy organizations such as the National Security Agency (NSA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Department of Justice (DOJ), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), or any other federal agency in any country. It definitely includes anyone who has ever gone to or threatened to go to the press or who has tried to sue Scientology.

I had to read this list roughly 5 times to really grasp what the guy was saying. This is pretty much everybody who is not a Scientologist, not just 2.5% percent. HBO is clear. IRS is clear. But this one: “DEPARTMENT OF JuSTICE”? WTF!
Do you get what Hubbard was saying?

And what is a spy organization? Isn’t OSA (office of special affairs, aka the new Gardians Office) a spy organization?

Feel free to sue me for putting this document online. I’d love to have the Streisand effect.

And on a side note:
Dear cult,
If you do not accept insane people, then you cannot claim to have cured any of them.
You also cannot attack psychs (“Not a single cure”) for not being successful, because they accept people that you deny.
And the funny part of this is that you are not successful despite that fact.

Happy new year 70 trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion

Loo1 Loo2


70 trillion something. What a nice number. I took it from here:
I can’t be bothered looking up any reference myself (even though this link seems to be a hoax). These lectures by L. Ron Hubbard are pure fiction. Reading them is a waste of time, even if I wanted to use anything against the cult. It is not worth it anymore.

2015 is going to be an exciting year. David Miscavige might disappear or commit suicide if we are lucky. Even if it does not happen, time is definitely running against him.

So, what is up? I’d say London is infested with SPs.
Have a look at above flyer. Plenty of these are hanging in public toilets. Train stations and trains, it definitely doesn’t look good for the cult.

Beat the cult with their own words. The big point is that this is not unlawful. Citations are pretty safe. And CCTV does not help at all. There are so many people using these toilets, it could be anyone.

Succinct, right?

Scientology’s insane “High Crime” definitions



This is hard to confront. Not for the wogs (non-Scientologists), but for dedicated Scientologists.

You could ask any Scientologist to explain their High Crime rules. In case you would really get any answer, you surely only hear justifications where the answers must comply with the facts. Don’t expect anyone to think freely.
Simply understand that admitting evil would imply admitting to be wrong … which is highly contra-survival.

You’d better admit correctness than ruining your future. Truth does end the past. You cannot spiritually advance by sticking to falsehood for the sake of being right.

If you are a Scientologist. Stop reading now.
You won’t be able to confront Hubbard’s words as they are. Look, don’t listen!


Let’s start with some citations today:


Blackmail of Scientologists or Scientology organizations threatened or accomplished-in which case the crime being used for blackmail purposes becomes fully outside the reach of Ethics and is absolved by the fact of blackmail unless repeated.

“of a Scientologist or Scientology”
Do you realise that it does not say blackmailing anyone is bad? Have you read the blackmailing stories against members and wogs?

Organizing a splinter group to use Scientology data or any part of it to distract people from standard Scientology.

This one is interesting. The cult alters technology on a daily basis. The freezone accuses the cult of doing so. At the same time the freezone commits high crimes according to Hubbard.

Demanding the return of any or all donations made for standard training or processing actually received or received in part and still available but undelivered only because of departure of the person demanding (the donations must be refunded but this policy applies).

Meaning, they will never repay anything no matter what other policies are telling.

Continued adherence to a person or group pronounced a suppressive person or group by HCO.

If you fall from grace and the cult declares you SP, your family has to disconnect. And all your false Scientologist friends will also disconnect from you.

Failure to handle or disavow and disconnect from a person demonstrably guilty of suppressive acts.

Phew, this makes it even more clear.

Seeking to splinter off an area of Scientology and deny it properly constituted authority far personal profit, personal power or “to save the organization from the higher officers of Scientology. “

Higher officers are always right. You are wrong. And the Sea Org does not officially exist, the same way that David Miscavige is not involved in anything.

Severe breach of ecclesiastical and/or fiduciary duty as an executive or corporate official of any Scientology or Dianetics organization which has resulted in severe harm, loss or disrepute for Scientology or the organization.

You mean David Miscavige’s beatings are not ok?

8. Boasting as to speed of delivery in a session, such as “I put in Grade 0 in three minutes. ” Etc.

We all know this from various presentations: Flag is faster.

Informing fellow staff members and others that one is leaving staff. Where a person is secretly planning to leave and making private preparations to do so without informing the proper terminals in an organization and does leave (blow) and does not return within a reasonable length of time, an automatic declare is to be issued. Should any monies or organizational property be found to be missing in consequence, action is to be taken on criminal charges.

Deep in your heart, don’t you think this is crazy?

Spreading false tales to invalidate Clears or spreading libelous and slanderous statements about the alleged behavior of Clears.

Nice defence. First of all David Miscavige degraded Clears multiple times. Besides this many Clears cannot show that they are clear, because there is no such as a state of Clear. I have not met a single one, just a lot of weird people. Not a single promise in Dianetics was dealt with. Super recollection, no glasses needed, emotional stability etc.

It is a high crime to publicly depart Scientology.

You mean like a football star leaving his club?

1. A person may be summoned to a Court of Ethics or Executive Court of Ethics if it be found that he has gone past a word he does not understand when receiving, hearing or reading an order, HCOB, policy letter or tape, any and all LRH written or printed materials including books, PABs, despatches, telexes and mimeo issues which resulted in a failure to do duties of his post, without his at once making an effective effort to clear the words on himself, whether he knew he was missing them or not, as the source of his inaction or damaging actions.

Very interesting, but what if it cannot be understood, because there were so-called SPs altering the policies and bulletins. David Miscavige, how to solve this one? You pretended to know since years that the scriptures were suppressive.

The charge is neglecting to clarify words not understood.

OMG! Go to jail?

4. An auditor failing to clear each and every word of every command or list used may be summoned before a Court of Ethics.

Oh, yes. The poor guy, who spent all his time and money. This guy had good intentions. And now – within seconds – he commits a “HIGH CRIME”. Not just a mistake – it is a crime!

Any executive issuing an order that certain HCO Pls or HCOBs are not to be followed, where this is proven beyond reasonable doubt, shall be considered as having committed a high crime, and this can carry the assignment of the condition of Treason for both the person issuing the order and the person who receives and executes it.

This, KSW1 and the Fair Game doctrine are a dangerous mixture. Use it against Scientologists in court. You cannot lose the case!

Any auditor seeing a rock slam on a preclear and failing to mark it down and report it is guilty of a high crime, as this injures society, the organization and the person himself.

Unless it was a Mark V e-meter or Hubbard holding the cans. Who does not know the story of poor Otto Roos?

If red tags, per the Examiner’s 24-hour rule, continue unhandled by Tech or Qual, the matter becomes a high crime.

This is a pretty cool way to charge you more, even though you ran out of money. I know red tags very well. I had lots of them. They frequently came when I had money on my account, but the auditing action is not long enough.

1. Abbreviating an official course in standard Scientology administrative policy so as to lose the full theory, administrative procedures and effectiveness of the subject.

Well, what has happened to the Student Hat course? Nothing is in its original form. Still no cognitive dissonance?

Forcing auditing on a pc when he is refusing or protesting it, rather than finding out why the pc doesn’t want the auditing and straightening it out is using auditing suppressively. Any C/S or auditor guilty of this must be handled with group justice proceedings which would include a Comm Ev and could include a penalty of being declared suppressive and expelled from the Church.

This contradicts the “red tag” theory. Eh? You always lose.


To be continued ….

Cult of Scientology: Why I didn’t leave right away



Even as a child I used to say that the likelihood to believe in the right religion – aka the truth – was minuscule and definitely less than one in a thousand. There are simply too many religions and all believe in different gods or objects. Some say that most religions have a common denominator, but to me it always sounds like an excuse to not confront the low probability. Can you imagine that 99% or more of all religious people life a big fat lie? All you do, all you believe in, your so called stable datum … all just a wrong item. Besides proclaimed spirituality, there is not much left to compare. What does a god with an elephant head (Ganesh) and Satan share?

I have always been the scientific guy, who never liked religious leaders. I believe that it takes a lot of scientific people to achieve something, not just one messiah. From the very beginning I was feeling weird when applauding to Hubbard’s picture or bust. I didn’t want to stand out or annoy anyone. But later on I simply stopped doing so. It caused this feeling of discomfort no matter if I did it or not. There was no point in lying and playing the overwhelmed disciple.

When I joined Scientology I knew about its bad reputation. I was one of the rare guys walking into an Org without any body router. I bought the Dianetics book and left right away.

I thought that some courses would be interesting; just to see if there was something to get out of it. Even at school I had voluntarily attended religious education despite not being convinced at all. Yes, as mentioned in one of my first posts, I am open minded. This is called PTS (Potential Trouble Source) in Scientology.  I was always wondering what was so bad about informing yourself honestly and looking from all sides and angles. In the end my openness was what drove me into Scientology. I did one course, another one and then one more – 12 courses in the first year. I thought it would be cool to be an OT and to be able to go exterior at will and with full perceptions. That was my main purpose. But frankly, I was wondering why there were hardly any publics. I mean, if people go exterior, why would they not disseminate like mad? This is the missing piece that would convince everybody, right? My inner explanation was that it had to do with Scientology’s bad reputation.

Within weeks I had paid in my entire academy to Clear. I started on the Purif. The registrar explained they had their own doctor. There was this weird feeling again. Something was wrong. I accepted the doctor, who was a member of that Org and visited his private home on a weekend. He took his stethoscope and performed some basic health tests. He did not write any bill and only accepted cash.

My first real auditing started with a Security Check. In a nutshell – it made me feel really bad. I personally do not appreciate at all when people don’t trust me. Quite to the contrary, I have never disappointed someone who was trusting me. It is a good feeling to be trusted and to not disappoint someone.

In the first weeks I talked to many people. I remember one story with a roughly 45 year old man. I asked him how long he had been in Scientology. He told me that it was about 10 years. And my next question was: “Oh, you must be OT VIII then”. His reply was: “No, I am on Clear”. I was very disappointed. And this was not the only time. One Auditor had a OT V certificate hanging behind him. But at some point he mentioned that it was not his. A world was falling into pieces. 20 years in Scientology, and just on Clear. What was wrong?

Another man was also just on Clear and he was so extremely shy, any tree had a better communication level. He got yelled at in the academy: “You don’t have a case here. Say it.” And when he finally said something and everybody was watching him, the course supervisor mentioned in a condescending voice: “See, it works!”

The ESTO constantly had some kind of eczema in his face. I have no clue what x-itis it was, but it has always been an outpoint for me. All in all these were all people like you and I. Nothing special. As PTS as anyone else.

The registrar used to smoke when I was in her room – another outpoint. And she used to harass me at work calling right in the middle of the day and asking for money. Oh, I was so pissed. Once, I told her that I did not want to play the birthday game and that it was no game, because it was forced upon me. Guess what, I got an Ethics chit from her and it was the last time I spoke to her voluntarily.

And let me now come to my biggest wake-up, which was slumbering inside me ever since. I was on the Freewinds and doing the Route To Infinity course. On one of the tapes Ron said that as a child he was able to remotely read books from another room, but somehow lost his abilities during the years. For me it was a lie and I continued comparing this lie with each and every course I did afterwards.

You can easily imagine that open minded people cause a lot of trouble in such environment. It didn’t take a year and I was forced to do the full KSW course. I tell you what. Each time I was forced to do something, it kicked me out a little bit more.


But why didn’t I leave?

 I got married and had my first child. My wife started to constantly ask for money. Her first request was birth auditing (I had paid for all courses up to Class V already, co-audit was a no-go). Several Org staff came to our house and harassed me. They told me what a bad and suppressive person I was. I said that there had been a few billion people on this Earth up to this day and that they all did not need birth auditing.

A few incidents were definitely not enough to blame my ex-wife for anything. In the following years she kept on asking for auditing for her and my children. We had many disputes. My main point always was the same: “My children are not insane. They can grow up without all this, like any other child. And if we don’t save any money, we will have to live on the streets someday.”

My ex-wife was the puppet for the Org. She didn’t work at all. Au pairs did the house hold while she was on course. Besides being the mother of my children she became useless for the family. I even had to iron my own shirts. How lovely are chores when you come home after spending 10 hours in the office. And in the evenings she said that she had been soooo busy all day long. I looked at her books with more than 800 pages each and started complaining quite often.

But who would abandon one’s family easily? As far as I know women, they are the first ones to mention the word “divorce” constantly. Men have much more to lose. They keep quiet, even when being degraded to a cash cow. This is my personal life experience backed by many stories. It can obviously be different for others. Most divorces are filed by women in the UK, because the law is strongly biased. I have read that it is as high as 90% in some areas. Men lose the regular contact to their children, the house and have to finance a freeloader life. Who does not get upset by this? I strongly disagree with the British divorce laws.

Divorce has always been a taboo for me. Not just because of the law. I believe that all children have the right to grow up in a family. Parents have to behave in their presence and should only fight when the kids are not nearby.

I would never ever abandon my children, no way! My wife was aware of this and threatened me more and more with divorce should I not pay her expensive courses and auditing. I was such an SP. I had the money, but I was not willing to give it to her. The Org saw it the same way. They didn’t care that she was no real mother. For them she was a source of income and that meant she was upstat – no need for ethics handlings. But guess what! The chaplain was visiting ME quite often to “put ethics in”.

By this time I had given up my personal goals to go exterior. I had paid in my bridge three times and each time it was torn into pieces by arbitraries – red tags, PTS and rudiments. These days I understand that it is hardly possible to pass rudiments. I think 80% of my folder was about rudiments by that time. Nobody can have Miscavige’s three swing F/N. And when you bypass F/Ns often enough, then you get scared to not F/N, which is making you non-F/N at all. This is such a vicious circle.

Just adding up my intensives at Flag, I should have been Clear twice. And my wife probably 4 to 5 times.

So, I was disillusioned and unsatisfied. Still, I did not leave. The costs were bearable, even when I included the IAS. My income was far above average, I could afford it.

I managed to make my wife pay for the child auditing. I was constantly invited by that child Auditior … as a suppressive being. Who did not want his children to be audited for huge sums – only SPs!

I was quietly leaving the cult and let my wife do all the stuff.

A big bonus at work then changed my point of view again (see, I am not using “viewpoint” anymore). There was plenty of money. I thought I could give it a last try. My so called hidden standard was “exterior”. That is a nice trap. You are not allowed to express any wish. This means, whatever you expect from Scientology is wrong. You only get what you do not wish secretly, otherwise it was a hidden standard and the “real why”, why you don’t get anything.

Scientology is built to blame you!
Their tech ALWAYS works!
So, you will never find out that it actually is them doing something wrong.

On one side I hoped that there was some truth in all the insanity. I had spoken to so many people who claimed to have been exterior with visio (being able to see something when leaving the body). I did not believe that all of them were lying to be “something special”. This is, how the cult works. People invent stories, because nobody wants to admit that he doesn’t get what others do get. But in fact nobody gets anything.
(There are many definitions for “exterior” in Scientology to confuse people – sometimes it means to be in a STATIC, sometimes it means to be in a kind of astral body, sometimes it simply means to not be effected by a problem.)

That the tech does not work and is just a subjective perception came clear to me the more I looked at false wins. You have to watch some “wins” from other cults and you will realise that this is the usual human behaviour. “I felt Jesus!”, “An angel showed up.”, “I was dead.”, “This was no coincidence, this was god.”, “I had an orgasm while listening to the Reverend.”


Hope was one factor for staying. The other factor was my family. And all the time I did have this cognitive dissonance. I did not disregard it. I did hide it. I never told these thoughts to any Auditor. This type of wins are forbidden. You are in trouble when having the cognition: “I just found out that Scientology is a scam in some areas”.

I hope you understand my reasons, why I did not leave earlier. My advice to you is:

Don’t wait that long! It is just a matter of time.


The right arguments in front of any lawyer and you always win.
The fair game doctrine and KSW1 are in your favour.

Yes, you will get attacked heavily. But you will save your children’s lifes in return.