To Speak, or Not To Speak — Mike Rinder’s Blog

THIS IS IMPORTANT Leah Remini: Scientology and The Aftermath is reaching far and wide. As a result, there are a lot of people coming forward with their own stories of abuse in the church. We set up an email for people to report things ( and soon hope to have a website (if I can…

via To Speak, or Not To Speak — Mike Rinder’s Blog

Poor children and my ex-wife

It is somehow sad seeing these flyers. In the cult of Scientology there are many people with good intentions doing bad things. Such flyers affect me a lot.
These children are innocent and happy. They cannot understand, what is happening to them. Their parents are the centre of truth. All they believe in and all they trust in is coming from their parents.

And someday these same children become money hungry beasts and will never realise that their blood/money is being sucked out of them in the same way they are sucking on the life energy of others. Victims become perpetrators.
Children with full potential to succeed in life are trapped before they even learn to perceive any trap. And it is their own parents ruining their Way To Happiness. Today, these children are cute and at the same time I know that tomorrow they will attack others.

Thinking a little bit into the future and I am so saddened.

I am here. I am still fighting. Others are still fighting. For many we come too late. Once innocent people commit moral crimes in the name of the good/cult, they have chosen the side and blocked their own way out. From now on the subconsciousness will prevent these people from thinking objectively. Justifications will automatically kick in.If you want mind slaves – THIS is how it is done! Make them do something really bad. It doesn’t have to be for the cult. It better be really bad for themselves.

Mike Rinder recently mentioned it and I mention it again. Scientology heats up its members like frogs – very slowly. Frogs don’t jump even when they can. And these innocent children sit in the water. You know they only have a very little chance. And this chance is not coming from their parents.

Sad, isn’t it?

I watched some old family videos and pictures today. I and my ex-wife had good times as well and I still don’t understand, how you can brainwash anybody to a point, where victims destroy their family, the lives of others and also their own lives. How can a healthy brain malfunction that much?

But I do understand that people, who have committed crimes in the name of the good, are not able to leave easily. This would make them more wrong than anything else. Sinking with the ship is obviously a better choice. This is the final step in becoming a fanatic.

Why is this scenario hardly discussed? No Tony Ortega, no John Sweeny or Bryan Seymour have reported about this last step.
Here we have the hardcore Scientologists. These are the ones, who never leave and you will not hear from them unless they suffered directly under David Miscavige

Please come forward! We need your voice! Did you commit treason against your family? Did you disconnect and destroy your children’s welfare and childhood? Did you finally leave Scientology and don’t dare to contact your family? Too big overt?
You most likely will not come clean with your family. Treason is a big fat moral crime. But you might come clean with yourself by speaking out. And maybe someone will forgive you someday.

This is exactly what I am struggling with. How could I ever forgive my ex-wife? She attacked me, tried to take my children away, emptied my pockets, ruined my job and the worst of all: “At no point did she inform herself honestly.”
On the other side I am inclined to forgive. She has been one of these children I am talking about.

I still haven’t answered that question to myself. Will I ever get to that point?



How to play Bullshit Bingo against Scientologists

Protesting against Scientologists can be quite exhausting. You could talk to a vacuum cleaner and achieve better results. Don’t even try using any logic. Scientologists are programmed to ignore anything negative. Their ability to listen was lost during expensive courses and counseling.

I have something much better for you. Make your protests exiting with a few printouts. This is going to cause hilarious fun on both sides.

The game is called Bullshit Bingo.
There are two grids. One is for the cultist, one is for you. Please print out both. It is no secret that cultists won’t bring their own grids. You will also need at least two pens.

You may now start a discussion. Each time the person on the other side mentions a word from your list, you can it cross out.

Once you have 5 items in a row, column or diagonal, you must look at the face of the other person, step much closer and yell as loud as you can:


The maximum allowable distance is 10 inch. If you fail doing so within a few seconds, the other person wins.
You may watch the famous Scientology documentary before you leave your home, where John Sweeney demonstrated how proper yelling is done.

Play as long as it takes to get 5 valid items. Sometimes it takes hours, sometimes merely a few minutes.

Wins from playing Bullshit Bingo:

“I could hardly believe how much fun you can have with such an easy setup. It took us about 10 ten minutes; I finally won. This were the most exiting minutes of my life!”
C.N., New York

“If I had known the game before, I would have been about 10x more often on the streets.”
B.S., London

“Wow, wow, wow. I love you. Thank you very much for the unbelievable cool game. What a pleasure!”
M.R., Tampa

“Where can I find more words for new grids? I’d love to play this game on a daily basis now!”
T.J., New Delhi

“The Scientologist got really upset after she had inevitably lost the game. She argued I had not given her any time to drill the game. Her course supervisor coincidently saw us and immediately issued a pink sheet to train more bullbaiting. “Your f#*$&!g TRs are unacceptable”, he said. Within minutes the course supervisor called the registrar and made an appointment while we continued playing the game.
The lady Scientologist said she wanted to play again and we agreed to meet in two weeks at the same location. The course supervisor also wants to come. He will bring someone from OSA as well, he said. This will be the greatest game ever. 4 players in total. AWESOME!”
G.G., East Grinstead

Grid for the Scientologist (to be used against the Protester):


Grid for the Protester (to be used against the Scientologist):


Witch Hunt


Some weeks ago I read an article on Yahoo, where Indian women were burnt for witchcraft. There are similar stories in Africa. And recently a women beheaded her baby on an altar here in the UK. Such affects me emotionally and reminds me of religious fanaticism.

Mind control is a big issue in Scientology. Although you are not burned on a stake the similarities are astonishing.

I clearly remember that my ex-wife used to ask me regularly: “What are you thinking?”

She was afraid of thoughts against Scientology and she knew she had to report any evil thoughts and counter intentions to the ethics officer. And it happened very often that I ended up being accused of evil thoughts whenever I told her that my thoughts were free and she had no right to control my thoughts. My point was and still is that actions may be punished, but definitely not thoughts.

She believed I would make her ill. My thoughts obviously had an effect in the physical universe. That is why I was not allowed to think freely. Guess how much I loved the phrase “counter intention”.

Not only did LRH say that PTS-ness comes from your own overts, I believe that the “you make me ill” is the low of the low on the responsibility scale. But who cares to actually apply the master’s teachings in practice. There was no way to discuss this in the local org. She was always right, and I was always wrong. What counted was the side you chose, not what your arguments were. I quickly understood that the cult members are always right no matter what they say as long as it makes any non-conformist wrong. This is what most likely also goes on in David Miscavige’s head.

Furthermore, there is an auditor’s policy stating that you should never say sorry and, by doing so, avoid cases caving in. Such creates the most cold-blooded and hated people in the world, doesn’t it?

I asked my ex what made her believe that I was such a big OT, being able to influence or control MEST with my pure thoughts. Are critical thoughts in Scientology more OT than any OT VIII phenomena?

I tried to explain her logically that such was impossible and not in line with the teachings. I then explicitly allowed her to kill me with her thoughts. What about an instant heart attack – cause over Matter, Energy, Space, Time and LIFE? She never agreed, because deep inside she knew she could not do this.

Killing me with thoughts would not have been an ethics case, because you cannot commit overts against SPs by definition. And I guess the police wouldn’t really care as well.

But how did she get the idea I would be capable of doing such? And here is the link to witchcraft. Evil apparently is stronger than good.

People can become quite fanatic, they cannot perceive any logic. So, why do you need to become OT if you have OT powers already? Does the real world behave like in the movie “Star Wars”? Is the dark side stronger … besides Luke Skywalker? Oh man, why study white magic then? Do you really want to succumb all the time?

Evidently, I am still alive – no heart attack and no illnesses. Furthermore I am highly successful in my job. No need to propitiate a cult or spend all my time on a course that I did not really choose myself. The last holidays were the most luxurious ever. Surely, my ex would always find an excuse for that. And you know what? She works for a minimum wage. How almighty is that? Yeah, I know, it is because of me. My far distance thoughts impact her success negatively.

Scientologists always have weird excuses – like in any other religion. These can cause uncomfortable feelings to the listeners called ‘cognitive dissonance’.

This is what I experienced first-hand:
A woman with all L rundowns told me, she simply had not decided to not wear glasses. And an OT VIII explained me that he would not go exterior just to proof his abilities. Another OT claimed to be able to talk about any topic. But asking him some simple questions about sex did shut him up. And he was preaching like mad that seedless watermelons were suppressive acts against their second dynamic.

There are no OT abilities besides human abilities. But SPs seem to possess this kind of magic that Scientologists don’t. What about witches? The society assigns/assigned abilities that they are/were not having. And somehow the inquisition was always right and the victims in lose-lose situations. Priests had the direct connection to god, you know. All good comes from god; all evil is caused by evil forces. No word about the existence of evil forces due to God. No way – he never created evil. There must be a second creator in the Bible. Damn, I just cannot remember where this was written down. Everybody knows that God’s white magic succumbs to black magic.

And here we return to Scientology: OTs are weaker than SPs. How archaic is that?

The Telegraph: Small man syndrome at the top of Scientology?

Sorry, I am terribly busy since nearly a year now. My career is doing very well and money is flowing in faster than ever. And all this with Wog technology. My posting activity is obviously suffering.

Today, I found a really nice article in the “The Telegraph”. I studied Tom Cruise’s childhood and I also know David Miscavige’s past very well. Both are pretty small ((rather small than pretty)) and had/have violent periods.

Read these LULS! Mabe we have to redefine “clear” as in “make someone/something clear forcefully”.

Last year at study by Oxford University concluded that feeling smaller makes people feel paranoid, mistrustful and more likely to think that people are staring or talking about them.

Scientology: You cannot commit overts (=crimes) against “Suppressive Persons”


“You cannot commit overts against SPs”

This is telling so much about Scientologists in just a few words. Becoming an SP is quite easy. When you are smart and you ask questions, then it hardly takes months to get there.

Now, take above statement into consideration. This is 100% standard tech and fully in line with the Fair Game policy:

 “May be deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed.”

HCO Policy Letter of 18 October 1967, Issue IV

Well, let’s change the topic a bit. I was wondering what would happen if you apply the “blow it up” request:

 When buildings get important to us, for God’s sake, some of you born revolutionists, will you please blow up central headquarters.

Tape 31 DECEMBER 1960 – The Genus of Scientology

The cult was asking the Garcias to follow the rules for internal arbitration. The judge had one remarkable question. Would Scientology ask for the same if the situation had been the other way around? The cult answered this with a kind of “yes” … despite the fact that such has never taken place so far. And the judge bought the story – WTF!

The proper conclusion is that fulfilling the “blow it up” request should also be considered a religious act.

Maybe there is a 70% chance that you really get away with the “religious dispute”. The cult got interested in buildings and you would simply follow the cult’s rules. All you would then face would be “internal arbitration”.

I am not asking anyone to really do this. I am just trying to understand the resulting logic of the Garcia case. How much did the cult investigate to find dirt on the judge that he finally caved in? What overt did they commit against the judge to get such a unique and insulting verdict? No worries – you cannot commit overts against SPs.

Scientology’s Greenfields School – a kind of Child Rehabilitation Project Force?


Grant Hudson, Greenfields school head teacher: “When you get into bargaining about these things [with your children], you also surrender your personal power and fail to maintain your personal values.”

Grant Hudson, Greenfields school head teacher: “Knowing what your own values and morals are and living by them is another way to set clear guidelines for your child.”

WTF? Grant, you sound so reasonable. What you have not understood at all is that life is not just about your personal integrity. Isn’t it about the child’s integrity as well? Isn’t communication better than playing dictator for the sake of your own (and really just yours) integrity. And you call yourself head teacher? That hurts!
There were times when “Child Dianetics” were spreading soft words of empathy. Nothing is left it seems.
Scientology uses the abbreviation ARC instead of love, which means in practice: “Cause fear to control someone and pretend to do the opposite.”

Below are the Grant’s own wordings. Imagine, how children are treated in his vicinity. Please, do not send your children there. They obviously become Ronbots in no time, spending all their spare time to find your hidden evil purposes and never trust in love or passion.
Grant Hudson, you are such a poor guy. How was your childhood? How was your brainwash in the Scientology cult? It must have been pretty overwhelming. I guess you never saw children agreeing on something just because they like and trust you. When you truly love children, they automatically do everything in their power to not disappoint you. LRH once said that the best control is agreement. But he most likely did not mean to make people agree with you forcefully … am I wrong?
Grant, your attitude “I know better and therefore I am your dictator” sucks! With knowledge comes responsibility and not a 3rd Reich. Do you know any democratic values? No wonder your children are out of control and need a shit load of counter intention and counter effort.

Here is Grant’s email, full of love:

Dealing with Teenagers

by Head Teacher, Greenfields School

Does your teenage child communicate to you until you finally just give in?

“Okay, okay, I’ll let you go out if you stop bothering me about it.”

“If you do your homework on time, I’ll let you go to the sleepover even though it’s against my better judgement.”

“I told you yesterday that he couldn’t come over, but I’ll let it go just this once.”

When you say “No”, do you really mean “Maybe”?

Sometimes, to make your own lives easier or because you want to be “friends” with your child (and sometimes because you might feel guilt or shame about something from the past) you might fall into the trap of bargaining with your child in an unworkable way.

When you are unclear about which rules are negotiable and which are non-negotiable, this kind of bargaining can occur. It may resolve an immediate conflict, but can also indicate that you are losing your authority.

As a parent, you have the experience, knowledge, and wisdom to keep your kids safe and make good decisions for your children. Of course, there are times when it is appropriate to negotiate and compromise with teenagers. Where there is no potential harm, power can certainly be shared. Where there is the potential for harm, though, the matter should be non-negotiable.

For younger children, choosing which friends they have sleepovers with, what parties they can attend, or how late they can stay out at night should not be open for negotiation or discussion. Nor should a young child be allowed to choose not to go to school.

When you get into bargaining about these things, you also surrender your personal power and fail to maintain your personal values.

Deciding which rules are negotiable and which are non-negotiable and sticking to this is a first step. Knowing what your own values and morals are and living by them is another way to set clear guidelines for your child.

For more information concerning moral choices see ‘The Way to Happiness’, a moral non-religious code used by millions of people:

Grant Hudson
for Greenfields School

Greenfields Independent School, Priory Road, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JD

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Does Travolta disagree with Scientology technology?

Travolta: “I haven’t experienced anything that the hearsay has (claimed), so why would I communicate something that wasn’t true for me?” (Tampa Bay Times)

But Scientology is teaching:

The first little gate that has to be opened to embark upon study is the willingness to know. If that gate remains closed, then one is liable to get into such things as a total memorized, word-for-word system of education, which will not result in the gain of any knowledge. Such a system only produces graduates who can possibly parrot back facts, but without any real understanding or ability to do anything with what they have been taught. (Scientology homepage)

Communication is the solvent for all things. It dissolves all things. (Scientology homepage)

KRC: In order to handle any area of one’s life, it is necessary to know something about it, take some responsibility for it and control it to the degree necessary to achieve the desired result. (Scientology homepage)

ARC: The third corner of the triangle is communication, defined as the interchange of ideas or objects between two people. In human relationships this is more important than the other two corners of the triangle. (Scientology homepage)

Can Travolta simply ignore a black panther? (ex Scientologist about the Scientology Black Panther Mechanism)

Result (EP) of Grade 0 auditing in Scientology: “Communications release”, Ability to communicate freely with anyone on any subject.

And who doesn’t know the Scientology slogans, which are repeatedly mentioned by their celebrities:

“Come in and find out for yourself.”
“Think for yourself.”

Hahahahaha, really? So, you want us to do something that you don’t do yourself?

Travolta, I like you as a person. I like you as an actor. Nevertheless, I do understand the concept of “guilt by association”. This is what your religion calls “an overt act is not just injuring someone or something; an overt act is an act of omission or commission…“. Apply it!
You could have also said: “Why should I care about Guantanamo Bay Camps. I haven’t experienced anything that the hearsay has (claimed), so why would I communicate something that wasn’t true for me?

Oh, why should we listen to Scientology? I personally haven’t experienced anything that you have claimed, so why would I communicate something that wasn’t true for me?


There are so many blind Scientologists out there. They attack others for what they do themselves. They say that only people full of misdeeds (=overts) criticise others. Well, just as long as it is not them. Isn’t a demonstration criticism?
How many people did Scientology ruin? How many of them committed suicide? May I ask you: “What are your overts?”

The text in above picture says: “Psychiatry: Death instead of help.”Yes, Scientology. This is what you have done and keep on doing. WHAT DEPRESSED PERSON DID YOU HELP? You try to blame psychiatry for the latest flight crash. BUT YOU WOULD NOT HAVE ALLOWED SUCH PTS (=potential trouble source) CASE IN ANY ORG ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN POLICIES. You are fucking HYPOCRITES! Stop sending me your emails blaming psychiatry for all existing evil.

Scientology: How effective is the PTS/SP tech?


Many thanks to Alex Gibney and his documentary “Going Clear”. Since 30th March 2015 this blog is booming. The number of visits skyrocketed by the incredible factor of 20x the average. That is far beyond any expectation.

Let me ask you an interesting question today. The cult of Scientology sells the PTS/SP course. This is one of the most important courses for Scientologists. It teaches you how to spot suppressive people and shatter their suppression.

If this course really was effective, how come Scientologists could not spot any SP twenty years ago already? Looking at above picture, the number of SPs is not 2.5% (a famous estimation by L. Ron Hubbard), but rather 97.5%. Was that due to the missing Golden Age of Tech II? Interestingly, Hubbard said that SPs would make others leave. But I can tell you that the justification inside the cult is entirely different: You only leave because of your own bad deeds (=Scientologese: overts).

Let’s have a look at Mike Rinder – just to give you an example. From 1982 to 2007, Rinder served on the Board of Directors of CSI and also held the post of Executive Director of its Office of Special Affairs.

During that period he must have received hundreds of hours auditing and security checks. If the so-called “Tech” had worked, how could he possibly have been a plant of the psychs (=Scientologese: pharmaceutical industry, psychiatrists or psychologists)?

Isn’t it amazing that SPs are using such a powerful technique capable of beating the one of Scientology? Are SPs more powerful than Scientologists? David Miscavige claimed to be able to spot SPs simply by looking at them. And his dog can smell suppression, really?

Well, let’s put all the nonsense aside. What counts is that Scientologists cannot spot SPs at all or the so-called SPs were no SPs in the first place. The cult of Scientology contradicts itself in this regard. What is it? A or B? You cannot claim both.

What the PTS/SP course really does is: it makes you terribly paranoid.

This was written in 2013. It is still valid.

Creepy Scientology

Dear US citizens,

These are your tax dollars used to defame people. You could be their next target.

The cult policies dictate: If you cannot fight the facts, discredit the source.
This is one of the most biased and distorted documentaries I have ever seen and
it will definitely shoot back at the Cult of Scientology.
I am glad that they are not smart enough to stop their behaviour. Thanks for destroying yourself.WATCH HBO documentary on 29 March 2015 – 8pm!
